ATTENTION: Long Island CW Club is now offering classes in Spanish. Atención: El Long Island CW Club ahora ofrece clases en Español. Haga clic aquí.
ATTENTION: Long Island CW Club is now offering classes in Spanish. Atención: El Long Island CW Club ahora ofrece clases en Español. Haga clic aquí.
Learn Morse Code – CW
with The Long Island CW Club
Helping to Expand the
Use and Popularity of CW
Use and Popularity of CW
Learn Morse Code – CW
with The Long Island CW Club
Helping to Expand the Use and
Popularity of CW
Popularity of CW
Our classes are structured to get students on the air using CW and we teach towards the QSO. Here is a video of a typical moment in one of our QSO classes with member Josh KI6NAZ (of Ham Radio Crash Course) successfully making his first CW contact. Our students will be able to QSO usually within 3 months of taking our classes.
CW Club Media – Long Island CW Club’s very own podcasts, videos and articles detailing how to learn Morse Code – CW.
Why Learn Morse Code- CW

Our Passion for Morse Code
The Long Island CW Club had been started in 2018 to promote and expand the use of Morse Code- CW amongst amateur radio operators, initially in our geographic area. Today there is no longer a FCC requirement to learn CW to obtain an amateur radio license. Yet we find there is still a pent up demand to learn the code, become more proficient at it and to take part in activities centered around this interesting skill. To help fill this void, we have put together a group of dedicated teachers of Morse Code – CW. We conduct CW training classes via internet video conference classes at various skill levels. We have grown quickly, branching out with members nationwide and overseas. Please see our Calendar for CW class times. Besides Morse Code classes, we are very active with regular ‘brick and mortar’ activities worldwide such as QRP outings, portable operations, museum and hamfest visits and luncheons. We also hold regular presentations on a variety of ham radio and Morse Code – CW related topics, also by internet video conference.
CW Then

1949 NATO War Room
CW Now
CW today is Faster than Texting
The CW being sent intended to read “I just saved a bunch of cash on insurance”…some errors noted by the W2LCW ‘CW Cops’
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