LICW is much more than a place to learn the code.  It is a community of like-minded hams with a culture of kindness and respect.  Our weekly forums and presentations with visiting speakers are a place to broaden your education and have fun. Daily we have forums on topics ranging from SOTA-POTA, QRP, boat anchors (vintage gear), Dxpeditions, antennas, satellites, Internet CW, all aspects of bugs-keys-paddles, kit building, electronic theory and topics on radio and related technology. The following is a full list:


Teaching fundamentals of 3D printing.

All aspects of antennas by category will be discussed in an ongoing program.

Bring your questions on CW and all ham radio topics from rigs to antennas etc.

A “plain English” and uncomplicated place to go for any help needed by new hams that have questions on equipment or operation.

Weekly presentations with outside speakers who bring expertise in a vast variety of fields.

A new topic each week will be discussed based on student requests.

For those of us who enjoy all things about bugs. Initial topics will include sending techniques to improve your bug fist as well as bug history, identification, and repair. We will add other topics that come up which would be of interest to bug enthusiasts. We will also be encouraging on-air bug activities and meet ups on the air during the week for bug QSOs.


Presentations based on Vintage Gear.

Discussion of various builds and projects.

Members will practice over the internet using their Morserinos, and one-on-one instruction will be available. Users will be available to demonstrate the Morserino Bot QSOs (you will never long for a QSO Buddy!)

QRP/PORTABLE OPERATIONS while out and about, anytime and anyplace. Presentations based on Portable Operations.