Morse Code training with the Long Island CW Club


We hold internet video conference classes at the beginner, intermediate and advanced levels on a weekly basis. Please see our calendar page for class times.

How we structure our Morse Code Beginners training classes:

  • We use our own character sequence, which is based on our QSO protocol.  This allows us to tightly integrate QSO words and protocol into the curriculum.  Our students learn how to communicate with CW as they learn the code.

  • We teach the code at 12 words per minute. This speed was determined by Koch to be optimum for initial learning of CW.  It is also optimum for making first contacts on the air.

  • We use the Koch Method of character introduction.  Characters are learned as single acoustic shapes.

  • We introduce no more than three new characters in each lesson, and we introduce one character at a time consistent with the Koch Method.

  • Each lesson is divided in two. The first portion introduces characters in accordance with the Koch Method. The second focuses on review of previously learned characters and increasing proficiency.

  • We use our own CW trainer called the LICW Morse Practice Page. It is web-based and has our curriculum and advanced exercises embedded for ease of practice.

  • Instructor led classes provide structure and guidance, but most learning occurs during individual practice. The primary goal of each class is demonstrating how students should practice.  Developing and following a productive practice regimen is critical to achieving your CW goals.

  • According to Koch, half an hour is the most favorable duration of practice.

Besides Morse Code training we have other CW related activities:

  • Conduct frequent local portable outings. QRP, POTA and SOTA are major interests of our club

  • Hold daily forums on radio and related technology plus all aspects of amateur radio.

  • Support and operate from the historic fireboat museum ship Fire Fighter in Greenport Long Island NY
  • Sponsor portable operation during International Marconi Day at a historic location in Babylon Long Island NY