Our Club is making a series of CW videos on YouTube with Josh Ki6NAZ of Ham Radio Crash Course. Here is our first of the series which outlines what the Long Island CW Club is all about:

Howard WB2UZE was invited on Ham Nation episode 452 to speak about the Long Island CW Club (starts at minute 3:58).

Watch here:

Howard WB2UZE and John K2NY speak with moderator Dave W0DHG all about the Long Island CW Club on Ham Radio Now episode 423:

Watch here:

The Long Island CW Club was invited as a guest on “Amateur Radio Round Table” show of February 12, 2019 which was hosted by Josh KI6NAZ. Here is the link and we start at minute 10:23.

Howard WB2UZE returns to Amateur Radio Roundtable on September 1, 2020 and the interview about our Club starts at minute 42:03

Josh KI6NAZ has his own channel called “Ham Radio Crash Course” which has hundreds of interesting videos on a variety of topics and he spoke about our Club on his March 15, 2019 show at minute 3:0.

Howard WB2UZE was invited on the All Portable Discussion Zone for 2 talks on CW.

Howard WB2UZE is a guest on Ham Radio Dude YouTube show.

Howard WB2UZE on Ham & Quackers:

Howard WB2UZE & Mike N1CC on CW Roundtable: