USB update/load firmware ON COMPUTER IF YOU DON'T ALREADY HAVE THE CORRECT SILICON LABS DRIVER (Icom radios use the same driver, maybe others do too), you will need to download it It is at choose your operating system to get the correct driver Open your download folder, double click the file, extract the contents (often this auto creates a new folder) Plug the USB cable into the M32 and the computer Open Device Manager (Windows start, type DEV and then click the Device Manager app), you should see a device with a yellow triangle with an exclamation in it Right click the device, select update driver Select Browse my Computer, click the directory you extracted the files to, click Open/Start/whatever continue option shows there Once complete, the yellow triangle will disappear and the device will now show in COM PORTS Open the COM PORTS line to see what Com Port number was assigned, note this number Go to and get the version of the updater for your OS (Win/Mac/etc) Once downloaded, go to your download folder and unzip the file, extracting the update_m32.exe file to a directory of your choice, preferably easy to access (downloads or desktop-I created a morserino folder on my desktop) Go to and click on the file named: m32_v4.5.2.ino.wifi_lora_32_V2.bin On the next screen on the right side, click the download button Go to your downloads folder and verify the file is there. If you had previously extracted the update_m32.exe to a different folder, move the .bin file to that folder IF YOU ALREADY HAD THE SILICON LABS DRIVER INSTALLED: Make sure your USB cable is a data cable, not a charge only cable. If you plug the M32 into the computer, you should see a new COM PORT created. Note the com port number. Plug the M32 into the computer with the USB cable. It should automatically come on. To see the COM port, open DEVICE MANAGER. Click windows start menu and type DEVICE to see the app show up. Click on the app. You should see the COM ports, verify which port is used ON COMPUTER, open a terminal window (in Windows it is Command Prompt-hit the start icon and type CMD and it will show you the right app. Click the Command Prompt app) Once the command prompt app window is open, type cd (in my case it is cd desktop/morserino) DO NOT TYPE IN THE < or > symbols The prompt should now show you in your folder (i.e. C:\desktop\morserino in my case) type the following: update_m32 -p -f m32_v4.5.2.ino.wifi_lora_32_V2.bin (DO NOT TYPE THE < or> SYMBOLS and x is the com port number you noted earlier-mine was COM9) HIT ENTER The process takes a minute or so, the M32 screen will go blank until after you see 100% in the command prompt window, at which point the M32 will reboot and you will see v4.5.2 on the screen In the command prompt app window, TYPE exit and hit enter, app window will close. I have done this with my M32 on a Win10 Pro desktop and a Win11 Pro laptop with no problem. I do not know the differences with Mac/Linux.