Our curiosity and desire to address four recurring questions led us on a journey of learning.  We found a wealth of knowledge in historical documents and combined with our own experiences:

  • We developed a new character sequence based on the QSO protocol, which allows us to tightly integrate QSO abbreviations and protocol into the curriculum.
  • We developed a new Beginners Carousel curriculum to address the issue of class resets. Students begin whenever they wish and progress when they feel ready.
  • We adopted the best of The Koch Method to introduce characters as single acoustic sounds.
  • We slowed character speed down consistent with Koch’s recommendations and our mantra of preparing students to get on the air.
  • We compiled our club’s most effective practices for increasing CW proficiency and incorporated them in every Beginners Carousel lesson.
  • We developed a web-based, cross-platform training tool that functions on any PC, Mac, tablet, or smart phone – The LICW Practice Page.

Special thanks to:

Howard WB2UZE and Rich K2UPS for their encouragement and support.

Tom AB5TN and Dave VK5PL for core curriculum development.

Randy KN4YRM and Bob WO6W for LICW Practice Page development.

Jerry K1OKD, Jim W6JIM, and Rick W8KO for BC3 development.

Kurt ADØWE, Terry WBØJRH, and Hal WA2AKV for review and advice.

Bob K4RLC for sourcing and translating the Koch study.

And a debt of gratitude to Mike N1CC who led the curriculum development effort.