LICW members experimented with adding CW to music videos. Some attempts seemed to enhance the recognition of code while others did not. The video which received highest marks from listeners came from Anthony NU1U.

Despite limited success, it became clear creating content with proper syncopation was beyond our capabilities. Moreover, it would take trained musicians and educators to find the elusive connection between musical rhythm and learning code.

One of the most popular classes at LICW was Head Copy, taught by one of our founders Howard WB2UZE. The opening warm up for class was a YouTube video of the Lords Prayer in CW with subtitles. It was produced by Ministrants, a division of Elfenworks Productions LLC.

We reached out to Elfenworks and learned the President; acclaimed documentarian Dr. Lauren Speeth was also an amateur radio operator. Elfenworks is an award-winning multimedia production company with a portfolio of films, music releases, books, educational apps, online lessons, on-site training, websites, logos, PSAs, podcasts, and more.

They choose subjects that teach and inspire. We are grateful they chose us and our project.